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20 Weeks

Next Dates

TBD Mondays 6pm CDT


Registration/Payment managed through parent website of the Institute for Systemic Growth, LLC

About the Course

Did you ever imagine it’d be so hard to do this work?


As a therapist, healer, or medical professional, you put your mind, body, and spirit into what you do, literally. Your bodymind is an active instrument of the work you do - coregulating, holding complex emotions and energetic dynamics, reprocessing trauma, creating safe space for healing. 


It can take its toll physically, emotionally, energetically, and relationally. 


You guide others through restoration and growth all the time, yet your own restoration has to be crammed in between clients, paperwork, CEUs, and all the demands of life.

Feeling depleted is far too common. 


There is an alternative!


Understand yourself as renewable and regenerative with natural rhythmic flow. Natural rhythms of renewal are in our biology. There’s an alternative to pushing until you burn out. It can be simpler than you think.

This is not about adding more tasks of ‘self care’. It’s about flipping your ongoing care to nourishing you from the inside out.

New Paradigms


Thanks to pioneers in neurophysiology, human development, and trauma, new and empowering paradigms of health and wellbeing have emerged. Advances in the measurement of human functioning have verified ancient wisdom traditions of the importance of listening to the body.

No surprise, right?! Beyond the development of new therapy modalities, it also opens a whole new approach to the health of providers.


 REGEN! incorporates deep knowledge of human psychophysiology into a systematic approach for understanding, monitoring, and responding to the rhythms within. Disharmony, dissonance, constriction, and arrhythmia within you are all information for learning and responding.


You deserve to reap the benefits personally, nurturing yourself as an invaluable contributor to the restoration and nurturing of so many others.


Get back into the rhythmic flow as nature intended.


Adopt an approach for rhythmic renewal and REGEN!

Program Information


REGEN! is a 5-month program allowing sufficient time to

experience the rhythms and disturbances,

discern and experiment,

and build confidence for ongoing cycles.


Phase 1: Discovery (7 weeks)


In the first phase, we expand understanding of the inner dynamics and rhythms, accepting the paradox of biology and societal ideology.

It’s six weeks of active, engaged learning! You’ll receive tools for building awareness and developing bodymind connections in support of understanding and working with your rhythms, shifting from survival to vitality, where renewal happens.

With deeper awareness of the dynamics within, you’ll learn the connection to the roots of nervous system regulation and its role in the patterns that add more stress and heaviness rather than rejuvenation. How easily the body forgets it can do that!


Week 1


Listening to your inner system

Week 2

Our natural rhythms

Week 3

Affective flow and integration

Week 4

Survival response completion and integration

Week 5

Development: Expansion & Limitations

Week 6

Patterns and Potential

Week 7

Individual Consultations


In the transition following Phase 1, you’ll consider options to address the potential you identified to shift you towards vitality and rhythmicity.  Options include, but are not limited to, music-based neural exercises like the Safe and Sound Protocol Core or Balance; cellular toning techniques like Sonic Anatomy or Voice Harmony Analysis; and IFS parts meditations.

It is possible and empowering to meet your individual needs and experience them in a collaborative, restorative group context. This is our ultimate human imperative of mutuality.


Phase 2: Restoration (10 weeks)


The length of phase 2 allows for most participants to effectively experience a foundational, core shift from imbalance and constriction to rhythmicity and flow at a layer of root constriction.

In addition to the weekly component of restoration, participants have the option to submit a specific situation from daily life where they experienced a shift in fluidity.  With this comes the opportunity to reinforce the process of transformation and practice internal and external reinforcement of feedback.

Each week will emphasize a practice to support the ongoing process of regeneration. Rather than giving you ‘the solution’, this is about expanding your capacity to find the internal cue and experiment to a solution. Examples: separating cognition naming of emotion and felt experience of affect, sequencing thought/feeling/action patterns, dual awareness of outside stimulus and internal response, identifying cues of your vitality rhythms.

Phase 3: Momentum (3 weeks)


Rich with discussion, the final three weeks of the program focus on affirmation of shifts and embracing the process of renewal. Identifying cues from within, experimenting to nourish, and growing forward.

You’ll map out a specific growth need for balance and fluidity, along with monitoring and identification of early warning signs of imbalance and stuckness.  We’ll identify methods and share ideas for maintaining healthy accountability and self trust to continue forward.


Program Dates:

Check the website calendar or Contact to be informed as cohorts form.


$990 in five monthly payments of $198 or $950 if paid in full upfront

  • Includes access to the technology app selected for Phase 2

  • Includes one 30-minute individual coaching session to prepare for Phase 2 (Week 7)

  • Includes one 30-minute individual coaching session to stay on track should a weekly Phase 2 session be missed due to an emergency conflict.



As this is an experiential and developmental program, live participation is the standard.  Unedited video of missed sessions will be available for emergency conflicts during Phases 1 and 3. Notification Shelly of conflicts. There will be no recordings through Phase 2.

Schedule Conflicts:

Life is busy and this is a 5-month transformation journey! Scheduling conflicts can, and likely will, arise. When a session is missed in Phase 2, you are asked to connect with Shelly to determine if a 1-1 coaching session or email support fits your needs best.

Additional Coaching:

Participants can schedule 30-minute coaching sessions mid-week for additional personalized support through Phase 2.

Interested in offering this program to your healthcare provider team?

Contact Shelly to explore on-site programs. 

Shelly Melroe

Your Facilitator

Shelly Melroe

Hi, I’m Shelly Melroe. I’m a lifelong learner and compassionate problem solver. I hold licensure as a Marriage & Family Therapist in Minnesota, US, and am certified in various body-mind modalities that are integrated into this program. 

Since the days of various consulting roles with corporations and cross-boundary change initiatives, I’ve had an ever-growing passion for affecting change in societal systems that can unintentionally, perhaps, inhibit the well-being of those they intend to help AND those they depend on to get the work done – you!

Although I maintain a small private practice offering therapy and coaching services, my passion is finding ways to expand the capacity and resourcefulness of human systems (healthcare, education, organizations) so there’s less burden on the individuals carrying out the work. 

If we continue to expand understanding from the inside out and build relational bridges, there is nothing we can’t solve!

This program was born with the intention to address gaps in mental health and stress management industries that keep you, the essential providers, unaware of new paradigms that can shift you out of burnout and burden and onto a trajectory of renewal and lifelong growth. So you can love what you do!

I invite you to learn, explore, and be curious about what rhythm and vitality may be there for you through a new paradigm of self connection and trust.

Blue Water

Ready to start! Have a question? I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for contacting us!

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