Group Programs
So many 'shoulds' coming at you.
All the experts solving your problems, which they don't even take time to understand. We've fallen into a rut of giving our care to the experts. And their advice and direction is endless with one solution leading to another problem.
Let you be the expert of you.
Resume the drivers seat in the journey of your wellbeing. Yes, experts know a lot! And you are the only one that has direct access to the fall array of information and guidance from within you! It does mean doing it alone. Get information; get ideas. AND listen to the communication within you to sort and move forward with a next step that is congruent.
Our programs bring new information AND a new approach.
You are capable of understanding you in a whole new way. As I went through my therapy education, it became apparent that education and healthcare have failed at educating us to understand ourselves. And many of us are left with internal critics, low self acceptance, and feeling unable to get a handle on life. It's a failing of the systems, not you.
Expand understanding and you'll see you and your life abundant with new potential!

The pressure of the shoulds is ridiculous.
The only thing more prevalent are the internal judgments of yourself, your partner, your kids, the world...
You start to believe there's no hope. You'll never _____ (fill in the blank). Yuck!! It's just not true to your nature.
You deserve to understand you from a basis of human nature rather that prescriptive ideology.
Learn a path to ease and harmony that is, and has always been, within you. More human nature, less expert shoulding.